Thanks. Excellent. You have provided more than sufficient references. If only the vax pimps and nazis could provide similar levels and quantities of citations. I will send this link to my unrequited pen pal the NSW Australia Health Minister as a "briefing".

We need to keep reminding ourselves that the ONUS is on the vax pimps and govts and other pushers to prove that their "vaccines" are indeed "vaccines"; that they are safe, effective and necessary. They know they cannot prove that. Proof? Why would they use force instead of "data and science" to convince people otherwise.

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They should be the ones to prove it's safe and effective yet, they're doing everything possible to hide the truth.

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That was due to us collectively. Contrast "us" with the Romanians.

I debated a stranger who won't accept that "no jab, no job" is "forced". See?

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How can they provide scholarly work when all their time is spent suppressing anyone who isn't in line with their "science " of the day. When I saw them banning Dr. Erickson in late Spring 2020, I left the evil triumvirate, youtube, fb, tw. Btw, gallows humor... I find it hysterical when their own traitors are a month out of sync, and our actually de facto renegades

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Great point!

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My point was that if they had it. they would have flaunted it. The "best foot forward" principle - like in the Cinderella story.

I remember that brave Dr Erickson who came out in early 2020 and told the truth. Have not heard him mentioned by my sources since. One thing he said which still stuck with me: that isolation and excessive handwashing are counterproductive because our immune systems need constant practice against regular germs and viruses.

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Very good post. I have seen him a couple times, I think AFLDrs.

I forgot to mention, his partner doctor appeared on that massively watched, logical, utterly good questions. If scientific method was working, the other side would have fought it out with them. The scientific method will not get the other side what they need.... fear, control, psychosis in general population

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This is the caliber of writing we need to address the propaganda. 31 citations to academic works! Thanks for including all of those to empower readers to learn even more.

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You're welcome. I appreciate it!

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Thank you for delving into this mystery, Dr. Carver. As someone with three people very close to me whose lots are in the top most toxic list (#29, #34, and #64), I have been very concerned about eventual potential side effects for them, even though they haven’t yet had any noticeable issues in the ensuing months.

My mom has multiple autoimmune disorders, including lupus, but I am hoping her Plaquenil (HCQ) prescription is serving a protective role to help defend against potential AEs.

It would be very reassuring to discover that if the AEs didn’t occur within the first [x] months, they are likely home-free as long as they don’t succumb to future injections, although I still worry about the long-term impact on the immune system itself.

Please keep us posted on your research into this matter.

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Hi Margaret, thank for sharing. I think many of those who have been vaccinated will be okay as long as they stop getting boosters. Can I pray for you and your family?

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That is reassuring to hear, Dr. Carver, and of course! That is so thoughtful of you, and my mom and step-father would especially appreciate that 🙏

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Dr. Ardis has a detox protocol for those who have had the jab. https://thedrardisshow.com/

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Very helpful—thank you, Dr. Carver! I am planning to write a piece on healing protocols at some point, so I appreciate the resources.

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Sounds wonderful! Please send me a link when you finish it.

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If you’re on my mailing list, you’ll be among the first to get it :-) That said, it may be a while because I’m juggling about five thousand gazillion articles/projects/todo’s simultaneously ;-)

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We should give thanks that most are perfectly fine - so far.

Remember, there is a limit to anything. So, if they continue with more doses, then more will suffer.

On a practical level, we need to pay more attention to the injured and bereaved than the dead.

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Yes, I agree.

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They KNEW way ahead of time what this bio-weapon was going to do. Here is that proof.

Public discussion and documents reveal that the FDA knew in Oct 2020, that rushed-to-market COVID-19 'jabs' may cause a wide range of life-threatening side effects, including death. (slide 17) https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download

A US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide PowerPoint presentation by Steve Anderson, Ph.D., MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 17 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of aka (COVID-19 vaccines) subject to FDA safety surveillance, showing that death, as well as 21 other conditions (most of which are life-threatening), are listed as possible adverse outcomes of the aka (COVID-19 vaccines).

The implications of this presentation are highly concerning. FDA staff were aware of the possibly lethal side effects of the aka (COVID-19 vaccines) and prepared in advance to be on the lookout for such adverse outcomes through “post-marketing surveillance.” This approach violates the precautionary principle, which requires that a medical intervention be proven safe before being released onto the market. If it is known that the product may cause harm, and especially death, in advance, and still be released without the public being fully informed of these risks, this constitutes an egregious violation of the medical ethical principles established through the Nuremberg code to prevent human rights violations.

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more evidence from the horses own mouth shall we say...

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You're so right, in fact there is a document for FDA approval of some of the Comirnaty injection ingredients from April 2019. The document is titled, "November 8, 2021 Summary Basis for Regulatory Action."

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"A new cohort of participants will be enrolled who are COVID-19 vaccine-naïve" from the trial you mentioned.

Ha! So they do need some jab holdouts after all.

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I hate to think about overwhelming need for unvaccinated blood and organ donation once the truth is out about the jab.

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Uncontaminated blood and plasma has a chance to be the new Gold.

I would hate to be anyone needing a transfusion right now. It is of my opinion only, that you are likely to get someone's contaminated fluids which is as good as getting the jabs.

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Most serious writers have not mentioned another consideration regarding vaccine safety: saline or paper vaccine.

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In efforts to keep my comment as targeted yet simple and commonsensical as possible, everyone should realize this very fact.

When it becomes necessary for a person to be Persuaded, Reminded, Pressured, Bullied, Shamed, Lied To, Incentivized, Coerced, Guilted, Threatened, Paid, Black-Mailed, Mandated to, Punished and Criminalized to gain your compliance, you can be absolutely certain, what is being promoted is NOT in your best interest.

You should run the other way.

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