To answer this question, we must first choose an adverse event that is more likely to be reported to the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS), such as death. We also need to be aware that underreporting is a huge issue, where only a fraction (<1%) of actual adverse events are reported (1). Steve Kirsch and Dr. Jessica Rose have calculated the underreporting factor to be 41 and 31, respectively (2,3). This means that you will need to multiple the number of adverse events by the underreporting factor to get a more accurate estimation of the total number of reports. More serious events are more likely to be reported but there is also an issue with reports being removed, without explanation and not due to duplicate reporting. I will not get into that can of worms, but I do believe death is a good AE to use for this analysis.
The first step to understand the cause of these deaths is to look at the temporality (kinetics) by days to onset or days post-injection. Of note is that if these jabs have caused none of the reported deaths you would see a straight line (there would be no correlation or pattern when plotted by days post-injection.) What stands out to me is that most deaths occur within the first 48 hours after inoculation. Let’s assume that many of the deaths on day 0 may be from anaphylaxis to the lipid nanoparticle (Pfizer & Moderna) or adenovirus (Janssen) carriers or adjuvants. Now we can focus on what is causing the deaths during those first 48 hours which are not anaphylaxis related.
But first we need to look at the dose response curves to see if the pattern is temporally consistent when comparing doses.
Yes, the pattern of deaths is consistent between doses.
Now we can deal with the real question. What is causing these deaths? There is ample research on the toxicity of the spike protein causing microvascular damage through microthrombi and inflammatory pathways that can lead to severe thrombi, emboli, strokes, and heart attacks. What’s more is that the spike protein binds to angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors and causes downregulation. This down regulation is responsible for destabilization and destruction of vascular endothelium. There is also evidence of the spike protein further disrupting the connections between endothelial cells and crossing the blood brain barrier (4-13).
Here’s what we don’t know, or rather what’s been purposely hidden from independent scientists, the pharmacokinetics (how chemicals move through the body) of the LNP and adenovirus carriers, the expression kinetics and distribution of spike producing cells, and the metabolism and degradation of the carriers, free spike, spike exosomes, and spike apoptotic vesicles. We can estimate these variables from research on similar carriers and we can estimate the expression kinetics of spike protein as being similar to antibody titers, with a lag period where spike is expressed before antibodies are produced and subsequently detected. Dr. Jessica Rose wrote an excellent article about information that was lacking, literally redacted, and blacked out from the Nonclinical Evaluation Report BNT162b2 [mRNA] COVID-19 vaccine (COMIRNATY™) (14, 15). Andreas Oehler also wrote an excellent article on the expression kinetics of the spike protein (16).
(This figure is conceptual and an unfinished work in progress.)
Based on the kinetic profile of reported deaths after injection and results from the Brigham Woman’s/Harvard Study (17), and other resources posted below I have made the following assumptions. The depth of the injection determines the biodistribution of the carrier with deeper intra-muscular (IM) injections more likely to have a systemic distribution and more rapid expression. Superficial IM injections will produce more localized expression of the spike protein, a longer delay until spike is expressed and a longer duration of expression (19). It is the deeper injections with early, systemic expression of spike that would best fit the AE observations (20-29). We do not know if it’s the free spike or the spike produced on endothelial membranes and exosomes that is more dangerous. I propose 3 hypotheses to explain the temporality of these events, keeping in mind the 48-hour window.
1. Expressed free spike protein and spike protein embedded on the surface of exosomes triggers immediate clotting and inflammatory damage to the vascular endothelium, in addition to causing the downregulation of ACE2 receptors.
2. The vascular endothelial cells that express the spike protein are immediately attacked by cross-reactive antibodies, which trigger apoptosis (cell death.) This would cause the same inflammation, clotting, and vascular damage as in hypothesis 1. This hypothesis is based on the fact that it takes longer than 48 hours for the expressed spike protein to produce an antibody response.
3. Both 1 & 2 are occurring.
Now here’s where I want to be clear that these are working hypotheses that I will continue to refine as more evidence becomes available. I don’t by any means claim to have it all figured out, nor can I be certain without having access to industry studies and redacted information. But if any of these hypotheses are correct, the following list are those who would have an increased risk of adverse reactions following one of these injections.
· Those who are recently COVID-19 recovered
· Those with inflammatory disease (such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, & obesity)
· Those with autoimmune conditions
· Those with senescent or weakened immune systems
· Those with mitochondrial and thyroid disease (endothelial repair and regeneration is already impaired) (30)
· Those on certain medications may also have an increased risk, such as those on beta blockers or ACE 2 inhibitors but there are many confounders, and this needs further research
I also want to address the question of why some people do not suffer any adverse effects from these injections. We are still in a clinical trial and only Comirnaty is FDA approved, which is not available in the United States. Since all the available products in the US are still under EUA, they can legally contain different formulations and doses in their products, including placebos. Please don’t take my word for it, check out ( and type in NCT04368728 to see that we are all lab rats in this huge population level experiment (14, 31). Further, excellent researchers such as Dr. Jessica Rose, Albert Benavides, and others have found that some lots are associated with a greater number of adverse events, although there are questions on this issue that have not been resolved yet.
Lastly, we may very well start to see some of the longer-term adverse effects from these experimental products. Dr. Ryan Cole is finding an explosion of cancers and latent viral infections in his practice. A radiologist has found a 360% increase in axillary lymphadenopathy after the jab. There are cases of aggressive cancer progression and rare cancers. There are cases of reactivated infections of Epstein Bar, shingles, tuberculosis, and herpes. I don’t know how the very visible deaths of many young athletes can be ignored. The harm is real and I’m sorry to those who were not given proper informed consent of the risks. We can’t change the past, but we can use this information to protect the children. In children these experimental gene therapies, have no benefit and only the potential for harm, and children may be adversely affected for the rest of their lives. Please get more information and consider the missing safety data before allowing your children to be injected. God bless!
My sincere apologies if I left out a reference. I would love to know your thoughts on this.
1. Lazarus R., et al. (2010). Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS) Accessed 10/25/2021,
Kirsch S., et al. (2021). Estimating the number of COVID vaccine deaths in America.
Rose J. 2021. Critical appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance: Is the U.S. vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) a functioning pharmacovigilance system? Science, Public Policy, and the Law; Clinical and Translational Research 3:100-129. Accessed 11/10/2021,
Lyons-Weiler J. 2021. Five Studies on mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein Pathogenicity. Share with Your Doctor. Ignore the “Fact Checker” Opinion Web Sites. Here’s a Collection of Resources on Spike Protein Pathogenicity for Your Use. Add Your Own in the Comments.
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10. Raghavan S, Kenchappa DB, Leo MD. 2021. SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Induces Degradation of Junctional Proteins That Maintain Endothelial Barrier Integrity. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 8(582).
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Kirsch S. 2021. New VAERS analysis reveals hundreds of serious adverse events that the CDC and FDA never told us about. They missed hundreds of serious adverse events that are more elevated than myocarditis. A new VAERS analysis done by Albert Benavides blows the doors off the “safe and effective” narrative.
Nonclinical Evaluation Report: BNT162b2 [mRNA] COVID-19 vaccine (COMIRNATY ™) 2021. Submission No: PM-2020-05461-1-2 Sponsor: Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd.
Rose J. 2021. “The shortcoming of the repeat dose toxicity study design should not preclude approval of the vaccine.”
Oehler A. 2021. Does mRNA in Jabs Really Produce S Spike from SARS-CoV02? The evidence points to something else altogether.
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NIH Clinical Trials (2021). NCT04368728
Thanks. Excellent. You have provided more than sufficient references. If only the vax pimps and nazis could provide similar levels and quantities of citations. I will send this link to my unrequited pen pal the NSW Australia Health Minister as a "briefing".
We need to keep reminding ourselves that the ONUS is on the vax pimps and govts and other pushers to prove that their "vaccines" are indeed "vaccines"; that they are safe, effective and necessary. They know they cannot prove that. Proof? Why would they use force instead of "data and science" to convince people otherwise.
This is the caliber of writing we need to address the propaganda. 31 citations to academic works! Thanks for including all of those to empower readers to learn even more.